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Donation Drop

November is a month to remember our neighbours, those around us who could use a helping hand.

This neighbourly November our community league would like to invite you to be a part of our Donation Drop. Drop-off food, new or used clothing and toys at the Hall on Saturday, November 19th between 1-4pm.

Thank you kindly!

Donations will be delivered to the following organizations to provide for our neighbours in need:

1. Royal Alexandra Emergency Department patients & Inner City Non-Profit Agencies: The dropping temperatures in our city hurt those in our community who don’t have warm shelter to call home. We are collecting items to give to the social workers at Edmonton’s Inner city hospital, the Royal Alexandra, which will be given to patients in need or passed on to other Inner City agencies.

2. Food Bank: Through the support of our community we provide food for over 20,000 people each month. By giving to Edmonton's Food Bank you are not only feeding are giving hope and creating a kinder community. (most needed items poster attached)

3. Santas Anonymous: The mission of 630 CHED Santas Anonymous is simple: to see every child receive a new toy at Christmas. Relying on thousands of volunteers and donors, 630 CHED Santas Anonymous now collects, sorts, packages, and delivers toys to over 20,000 children every year. Please consider that volunteers need to place all gifts for one family into one delivery bag when purchasing toys. We provide toys for children from infants to 12 years of age only. (recommended list below) We are excited to spread our Lansdowne neighbourly spirit this November!

November 4

Lansdowne Ladies Night

December 4

Lights of Lansdowne Christmas Party!