Jeffrey Weigl - Co-President

In the summer of 2013, my wife Kelsey and I were fortunate enough to take possession of our bungalow here in Lansdowne. We didn’t just find the perfect home – but the perfect neighbourhood. It was immediately apparent that Lansdowne was a true community, with caring neighbours and friends. Case in point: The family we purchased our home from didn’t leave Lansdowne – they moved around the corner. This is a practice I’m sure we are all familiar with, because why would anyone ever want to leave? Over the ensuing years, we welcomed two children to our family, Mickey (8) and Margot (2), and our roots here in Lansdowne have only grown stronger.  

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and the rest of the world have seen a lot of change since we moved here, certainly not all for the better. But what has been reliably constant is the exceptional community we all share here in Lansdowne – and that’s thanks to the past Community League volunteers and all of Lansdowne’s residents. Kelsey and I are happy to join the team of volunteers who have made and continue to make Lansdowne the hidden gem that it is.

My sincere thanks go to Alex, your past-VP and current co-president, for encouraging me to become involved and sharing such an important role in our community.



Rosanna Anderson - Vice President


Athlete Jane Roth